School Nurse

Nurse: Ivanice Kaplan, R.N.
Phone: 973-509-6410
E-mail: [email protected]

Greetings to Parents, Guardians and Students:

The health and safety of Renaissance students is my priority. Please call me with any changes in the status of your child's physical or mental health, medication or emergency information. I am available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. If your child has an acute medical condition such as food allergies, asthma, diabetes or seizures, please contact me immediately to ensure emergency plans are in place.

Health Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8am- 4:10 pm
Friday 8 am – 2:35 pm

Please notify us of your child's absence by calling the Attendance Phone line at 973-509-5741 and pressing option 1.
All students returning to school following an extended illness or injury should report to the nurse prior to homeroom.

Gym Excuses
A parent/guardian may submit a written gym excuse for 1-3 days.

A physician's note is required for all gym excuses longer than 3 days and should be submitted to the nurse. The physician's note must include a diagnosis and ending date.

Any student returning to school with a cast or crutches will need a physician's clearance note submitted to the nurse prior to homeroom.

Medication Policy
Medication should be given at home whenever possible. However, if a medication must be administered during school hours (prescription or over-the-counter), proper authorization must be provided to the school which is as follows:

Written permission using the school district's medication consent form that both parent/caregiver and the student's licensed healthcare provider (physician or nurse practitioner) must complete. In addition, the medication must be brought to school by the parent/caregiver and be in the original container with proper labeling.

Students are not permitted by law to self-administer medications at school, with the exception of insulin, asthma inhalers and emergency epinephrine, and then only if written authorization for this self-administration is provided by the parent/caregiver and the student's healthcare provider.

Please note that herbal remedies and nutritional supplements are not considered medications and cannot be given in school.

Health Insurance
In the event that your family is in need of health insurance, information for uninsured NJ families is available at or 1-800-701-0710.

Immunization Laws
New Jersey Administrative Code requires that all students entering Grade 6 be in compliance with the following vaccinations:

  • Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Vaccine: Children born after January 1, 1997 are required to have a booster of Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine within one month of their 11thbirthday
  • Meningococcal Vaccine: Every pupil born after January 1, 1997 must have one dose of meningococcal vaccine within one month of their 11th birthday

HPV Information on HPV

There will be no grace period for New Jersey residents who have reached the age of 11 by August 30, 2014. Students must have documentation of these vaccinations submitted to the school nurse prior to the first day of school.

Students with birthdates of August 30 - December 30th must submit documentation of receiving these immunizations within 30 days of their 11th birthday.

Failure to submit documentation of immunizations will result in exemption from school. All documentation should be sent to your child's elementary or middle school nurse.

Health Screenings
The Montclair School District abides by NJ State Department of Education Guidelines for Health Screenings:

  • All middle school students are screened annually for height, weight, and blood pressure
  • 7th grade students are screened for scoliosis and hearing
  • 6th and 8th grade students are screened for vision.

Any abnormality will be communicated to the parent/guardian. If you have an objection to the nurse discreetly performing these screenings for your child, please notify me by letter at the beginning of each school year in which you decline a specific screening.

Physical Examinations
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends annual physical examinations for adolescents. If your child has received an annual examination from his or her healthcare provider, we welcome a copy of the completed form. However, physical examinations by your child's private healthcare provider are not required for middle school with the following exceptions:

  • Students new to the school district: form is on the district website
  • Students who participate in school-sponsored athletic teams: Athletic health forms can be reached by clicking on "Forms" in the yellow bar at the top of this, and every, page in this website.)

Frequently used district medical forms can be viewed and printed from this website. Click on "Forms" in the yellow bar at the top of this, or any other page, on this website

Ensuring a Successful Day at School

Sleep: Getting enough sleep each night is very important for adolescents to maintain a healthy immune system, grow and think. Adolescents generally need at least 9- 10 hours of sleep each night.


  • Breakfast: Please make sure your child has the fuel and energy necessary for a successful day of learning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  • Snack: Please send your child to school with a healthy peanut and nut-free snack. Renaissance is a long day and your growing adolescents are hungry!
  • Lunch: If your child does not participate in the school lunch program, please provide a nutritious bag-lunch
  • Nutrition Resource:


Your child should be appropriately clothed for the weather and meet the required MPS dress code policy


Arrive on-time to school and avoid excess absenteeism. Please keep your child home with a fever of 100 degrees or above, or with any vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain.

For more information on school nurses, school health regulations, and timely topics such as LICE, please visit the links at the top of this page and to the left under District > School Nurse.

Have a healthy school year!

For more information please visit the District Nurses Page.

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